Tuesday 28 January 2014

Home For the Holidays

Being abroad sure has quite a few perks…. Cheap travel to many European countries, meeting people from around the world, and TONS of opportunities to try new things (local food, dancing, holidays, etc). There is just one thing that you can`t get over here (no I`m not talking about ranch dressing although that would be nice…). What you can`t get over here is the friends that you left behind. Yeh, it may sound a little cheesy, but there is something to be said for being only a few hours car ride away.
Lucky for me (and with a little help from a sneaky friend) I was able to surprise my friends back home by spending 2 weeks of my winter break working in State College, PA (home of my undergrad). The looks of confusion and shock were horrifically entertaining. Double takes and questions of “I thought you were in Scotland….?” were everywhere, though one of my favorites was a double-take followed by my friend screaming and running over to hug me. It`s just that feeling of being at home that nothing can replace.
Two weeks was simply not enough to see everyone and hang out as much as I would like, but it was enough to catch up on the gossip and cure the budding homesickness which those who do a semester abroad can only begin to understand. My days were filled with lab work, but my nights were free for going to ballroom dancing socials (there were TWO!!!), more snow than I could ever desire, eating at Mad Mex (and getting my car towed), dancing at Indigo, going to see Frozen in the State College movie theater and just hanging out with my friends. I even got to watch Braveheart for the first time!!! Honestly I miss them already but thankfully there is Facebook chat and hopefully if I keep bugging them, more of my friends will hop on Skype.
I got two weeks of time to catch up with friends and enjoy my time there (while also working an EMS placement during the days), before I went back to Pittsburgh for the holidays (aka mom`s b-day, Christmas, my b-day, my aunt`s b-day, and New Year’s Eve all in about a week). I got to see family, exchange gifts and stories, and prepare for my return trip to Scotland. I got to see my sister, her husband, and meet my new (puppy) nephew. Finally, it was time to return to Scotland and school, and for the most part I was ready.
I got dropped off at the airport and prepared for one very long journey. My first flight left at 2pm (EST), so I got there around 11:30am to make sure I had time to check my bags and make it through the security checkpoint before takeoff. So it begins….
Passing through the checkpoint was a breeze (practice makes perfect), and I made it to my gate with roughly an hour before takeoff (just enough time to settle in before boarding was being called). The first flight went well and we landed in Philly a little early, though it took abnormally long for everyone`s carry-on bags to be unloaded. Just a couple hours layover in Philly meant I had time for a quick dinner and then my flight to Birmingham, UK would take off. Another easy loading of the plane would soon devolve in a prelude to how the rest of my trip would go.
After everyone had gotten on the plane and was ready for take-off, the flight attendant cames onto the speaker to announce that the Birmingham airport does not open until 7am. Since we would arrive before 7am if we were to take off at the scheduled departure time, they were going to delay the take-off for another 45 minutes, during which time we were to sit on the plane. At the newly delayed time, we take-off without a problem and of course I have a reclining person in front of me (as if leg room weren’t too small already) and a guy in back of me that thinks it`s OK to kick my seat (REALLY? You`re an adult! Act like one!). Needless to say, despite the long flight, I only got about 2 hours of sleep which would prove to be a problem later on……..

We arrive in Birmingham, UK and depart the plane around 7:30am (UTC). Lucky me my next flight isn`t until around 3:30pm, but since there is nothing nearby I get to spend my 8 hour layover in the airport. Since I have nothing better to do, I go to begin the whole process of the security check again.
Arriving at the ticket check, I hand the guy at the desk my ticket and passport, then wait for him to look over everything and make sure all my paperwork is in order. After a look of confusion, he turns to me and says in his little British accent, “You know your flight doesn`t leave until 3:30 this afternoon? Right? Are you sure you want to check in now, because once you check in you can`t leave the airport and then come back again.” At this point I haven’t slept, I`m jetlagged, and I have been traveling for roughly 13hours. Keeping a completely blank face I turn and tell him, “Dude, I just got off an international flight and I am currently stuck in the middle of nowhere. I don’t know anyone and there is nothing particularly interesting that I would have the energy to go see right now. What else could I possibly do?” Was this a bit rude? Yes, but I was so tired at that point that all I wanted to do was sit down somewhere. Luckily this shut him up and he passed me my ticket and passport back without another word.
Finally I make it to the checkpoint. Having made it through the first one without a single problem, I prepare all my stuff in the same manner (take my boots off, put my laptop in a separate tray, etc.), all the things an experienced traveler knows to do. If I thought this would help I was greatly mistaken. Of the four “bins” that I passed through the x-ray, only one did not get pushed off to the side for further inspection (the one with my jacket and boots). My other three (backpack, carry-on, and laptop) all had to be further inspected (I must just be suspicious checking in so early). My laptop bag had to be swabbed for BOMB MATERIAL. My suitcase got pulled because I had a half-empty tube of concealer (make-up) that was not in a separate plastic bag. Finally, my backpack was pulled for a pair a kid`s safety scissors (which are legal to carry on planes by the way) which I keep in my pencil pack. After an extra HALF HOUR in which my bags were processed, I am finally able to take my stuff to find my (empty) gate, where I sit….. for the next 7 hours…….
As if I wasn’t stressed enough by this trip back to Scotland, I decide to check my email 2 hours before my flight is scheduled to leave (sleep deprived doesn’t even begin to cover it). Lucky for me I did this, as the taxi company I had scheduled to pick me up at the Glasgow airport and drive me back to my dorm had sent me a wonderful email. The email basically stated that they had underquoted me in my online quote and that the actual cost of the trip was more than DOUBLE what they originally quoted. As a result they understood if I no longer wanted to use their service and if I didn`t reply to the email they would assume that meant I no longer wanted the taxi. (So now I have no taxi to get me and my stuff from the airport to the dorms.) In a panic, I frantically pay for a month’s worth of my phone plan (online) so I have a phone to use to call taxi companies. Next I quickly sort through the online adds to try to find a private taxi that I can hire last minute, call them up and schedule the cab. The best part? Having to give your credit card info over the phone, in a public airport in which every word echoes across the room. My level of paranoia that someone would steal my card info had my heart in palpitations. I get my cab booked, paid for and the drivers info (I have to call him when my flight gets in) all settled with only 15 minutes before my flight starts boarding.
After making it to Glasgow I find my luggage (a little wet from the rain), find my cab driver, and make it back to the dorms. From there all I needed was food (aka pizza) and then a bed (asleep by 7:30pm never felt so good).
Total travel time: ~26 hours from arrival at the Pittsburgh airport to arrival at my dorm room (and yes, that is including the fact that there is a 5 hour time difference).

Helpful travel hints for international travel that I learned during these trips:
-When traveling multiple flights, as soon as you change countries (even if you never leave the airport) you will have to go through ANOTHER security check to get on your next flight.
-If checking bags, make sure when you check them they will go all the way to your destination (they should but some airport workers are cruel and will try to trick you)

Scottish Lingo:
Hogmanay- New Years
Gillies- special shoes worn with a kilt
Poof/camp- feminine male
Nappies- diapers
Ace- awesome, perfect

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